08/11/2012 16:32

NEVER SAY NEVER!!!!!! Hi everyone you might think of the article's tittle was about Justin Bieber, but its not, this article will help you gain strength, standing up to your self from bullies, acheiving determination and HOPE:) I will be only giving 3 tips, just because there is only 3 tips be very focused on them anyways "the less means more than it actually looks" that was a quote that I thought of LOL! 

Remind yourself, when your at the point of giving up!

Lets think of this as a race, this means you have to keep going, just go no matter what is infront of you don't give up! Your striving for your goal always think that the hard things in life are the things that make it interesting in your life.

Yell if you have to, just keep on going! 

Never giving up is a goal, it might be one of the hardest goals you ever done in your life, but one day there is always a ending, you don't want to let down on your goal after your end, so pass it become in first place it will be a miracle for life:)

Remember what you have been through, what you have established 

After you have finished your race, never forget you done something that is very hard for you, the others might think it was the easiest thing in their life, if it was hard be good or great about it, you have passed and challenged something you have HOPED and DREAMED for:)

BY: Rafaela

Enjoy the Justin Bieber song and remember NEVER SAY NEVER XD