Madison's Wish List

19/11/2012 00:00


Merry Christmas! It's just around the corner! What's around the corner? Christmas!

Christmas Wish List

1) A laptop: I know it sounds rediculous but, when it was my birthday I asked for a laptop and my mom said that's more like a christmas present :)

2) Make up: I don't have any make up so, that's what I want. :D

3) Clothing: If someone gives me clothes I'm so happy I'm really into clothes! (ask anyone!)

That's all for my wish list my mom said not a lot of things so, it's only 3 so bye!!!!

Well, Hopefully my parents get me that stuff (sorry if anyone that reads this and they beleive in santa well santa doesn't go to my house for some weird reason)


So, I hope you liked by article!




By, Madison See ya!!!! :) :D XD