Help 4 Cutting

27/10/2012 18:06
Many teens cut them selves. Usually its because they want to punish themselves for things like eatting to much, getting bullied, ect. Understanding why teens injure themselves is about listening to what is going on in their heart.  So here is help for them and some info..... 
Most of these girls and young women are not suicidal, and they don't want anybody to find out. They don't want to be discovered. That's why they wear long sleeves, so nobody will see their wrists; or, more often nowadays, they cut themselves on the upper inner thigh, where nobody will look. Cutting themselves with razor blades, or burning themselves with matches, becomes compulsive, almost addictive for some of these girls. There is now evidence that for at least some of these girls, this behavior triggers a release of endogenous opiates Cutting delivers a weird kind of disembodied rush.

How common is it? Much more common than it used to be. Studies from the 1990's suggested rates of 3% or lower. But more recent studies suggest that as many as one in five girls between 10 and 18 years of age are now cutting themselves with razor blades or burning themselves with matches, etc. For example, researchers at Yale University recently reported that 56% of the 10- to 14-year-old girls they interviewed reported engaging in NSSI at some point in their lifetime, including 36% in the past year. When having a friend or family doing this get help soon.

Now here is my message to girls cutting themselves.... Everyone makes mistakes. Being bullied and eating is not one of them. And cutting your body will not fix errors, it only makes them worse. Sorry my message to you is not very long but honestly theres not much to say only that if you hide the fact that you hurt yourself then you must know that what your doing nis wrong.

I was going to add steps but honestly the steps are the same for deppretion so check out out previous article about depretion. Think twice before you cut. By:Sofia