Getting your feeling out

14/10/2012 16:48


hi everyone so last week in class we did an excersize that helped you get your feelings out and I thought this could really help many people. I did it and now feel much better. This will only take three minutes.So try it out. 

What you will need

You must have...
1. A pencil or pen
2. A peice of paper
3. A paper shredder (optional)

How to do this

1.Get your paper and start making a person's body. Do not add ears, nose, eyes, hair, ect. Only leggs, arms, tummy, feet, ect.
2. Give it a name. It could be yours, someone you know or just random.
3. Write any hurtful words that you've been called or have said to anyone on your person. And yes you can swear. This is the part where you may cry because it reminds you of times you have been called names or you may feel bad about things you have said to others.
4. Crumple this paper, then open it up again. Relize that now it has wrinkles? If you did its because once you call a person something mean like ugly, fat, ect they will never feel the way they did before. The paper can't be straightened again and nether can a person. You can say sorry but that doesn't change much. You have permenently left a scar on them or they have to you and thats not okay.
5. On the back write good things like beautiful, special, kind, ect.
6. This is optional, but I recomend to do this. Get a paper shredder and then shred your paper. Do this so your parents don't think you are calling someone bad names. I don't want you to get in trouble.

I hoped this helped you. I did it and it was great. by;Sofia =)