Candy Lips

09/12/2012 14:16
So today i'll be doing another tutorial. This will be the most fun one for me because I love to eat candy but did you know you can also wear it? So today thats what i'll show you. This look is inspired by Katy Perry and her music video for "California Girls" because shes surrounded by candy and i've seen posters of her with these candy lips. To start off I just want to say that Mairead taught me how to do this so you can give her credit. Also, don't wear this just any where, I recomend to try it out on Halloween, at a costume party, ect. 

What you will need

1. Honey

2. Candy or Sprinkles

3. A bowl

4. Popsicle stick

How to Do It

1. Get any bowl and put your favorite candy inside. Coulourful candies look best. Try not to get something thats heavy like smarties or m n m's becaus they won't stay for long. If your using sprinkles then you can skip this step and the next one.

2. Crush your candy with anything until you make it small. If your candy is already small then don't do this.

3. Apply your honey. You can do this with your finger or a popsicle stick. Honey will make sure the candy sticks.

4. Put the candy on. I'm doing this with my fingers but you can also use a popsicle stick.

Your done and you should be left with candy lips. If your confused about how it should look then check out the pictures bellow.By:Sofia


Photo Gallery: Candy Lips