Boy Talk 5 - Don'ts when with a Guy

29/11/2012 15:46

One thing that's really complicated is BOYS and trust me there all diffrent yet alike at the same time. So today I will be showing some don't to use around guys. It can be your boyfriend, crush, friend, brother, ect. These don't can be used anytime whether your just hanging out or on a date.


Don't let people bother you - When you start dating or you both like each other its likely that his or your friends will try to make you hug or kiss. They may even follow you or try to annoy you into giving them what they want. If you do what they ant then they'll push you furtherto do things that your not okay with. Usually this can even distroy a relationship.

Don't gossip - Gossiping about others will only make a guy feel ackward and he may get the wrong idea. Only gossip if he starts it and even then don't say anything that is considered offensive towards others.

Don't lie - Lieing will only make the situation worse. Once you start a lie it can only get bigger. If the guy finds out you lied he won't trust you anymore and this can ruin your friendship or relationship.

Don't rush into love - Don't do anything that could make him uncomthrable. If you've only been friends for a little while then don't kiss him. If he is not over him last girlfriend then don't try to make him yours. Give him time.  

Don't brag - Braging will make him think your a materialistic girl that only cares about the things she gets not the ones she loves. It can also make him feel sad or embaresed if he doesn't have as much as you do.

Don't act like someone your not -  If your on a date then a boy wants to know the real you not the one you pretend to be. So act like who you really are and if he doesn't like that person than its him loss.

Don't annoy him - Bothering a guy will make him not like you and will make you look desprate. So don't poke him for a long time, do not keep screaming the same thging out and please do not follow him when he's with his friends.

So I hope you enjoyed my don't when with a guy. If you have any don'ts then post them below and they may just be added to this article and also let us know what Boy Talk article we should make next. See ya. By: Sofia

Topic: Boy Talk 5 - Don'ts when with a Guy

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